Melton councillor moves to parliament

Melton councillor Moira Deeming has been elected to Western Metropolitan Region seat of the Legislative Council.

An Extraordinary Election will be held following Councillor Moira Deeming’s resignation from

Melton Council after being successfully elected to the Victorian Parliament.

On Wednesday 14 December, the official results for the Western Metropolitan Region seat of

the Legislative Council were declared and Moira was successful as the Liberal Member.

Melton Mayor Lara Carli, acknowledged Cr Deeming, who was elected to council in October 2020, for her service to council and the community as a councillor and wished her all the best.

“On behalf of Council, I thank Moira for her contribution to the City of Melton community over

the past two years,” she said.

“We wish her the very best in her new role as a Member of Parliament in the Western

Metropolitan Region.”

The Minister for Local Government and the Victorian Electoral Commission (VEC) have been

notified of the extraordinary vacancy as required under the Local Government Act.

The VEC will conduct a countback to fill the vacancy in accordance with the Act and

information will be available on the VEC website.