Bec Telford from Ready 2 Rock Hospitality Uniforms and sponsor Fatih Tuncer from Victoria University (Ivan Kemp) 309827_36

Its unique uniform designs makes Ready 2 Rock Hospitality a worthy winner of the Innovation and Creativity category.

Ready2Rock Hospitality is the first hospitality uniform business in the world to make three different lengths of pants allowing customers to choose their waist size and the length.

The business also offers a uniform for pregnant chefs – ’The Bun In The Oven’ jacket – which grows with the baby and can be used after the pregnancy too.

Other innovations include the 3way double-sided apron, a reversible apron that can also be used as a tea towel to grab hot pans or pots if needed; the ’Rocking Rapunzel’ hat for chefs with longer hair; the ’Rockdana’ elasticated bandanna chef’s hat; and the ’Rockzette’ female chef jacket.

“Before the ’Bun In The Oven Chef Jacket’, there were no uniforms for a pregnant chef,“ explained founder Rebecca Telford.

“They would have to undo the chef jacket buttons at the belly area leaving themselves exposed and then cover themselves with an apron.

“It was awkward, unflattering and horrible. So I designed a far better solution for those needing it. I have many uniform designs made to help solve problems in chef wear that no one has ever had the balls or care to address.“

As a chef herself, Ms Telford believes chefs should have more choice and uniform solutions.

“I am most passionate about helping female chefs. I want female chefs to feel good while they work and have the opportunity to grow in the industry and feel safe in the workplace.

“ Ready2Rock is just myself and I made this business happen through determination and sheer passion to help chefs and I will succeed.“
