Keeley’s Cause presentation day

Keeley's Cause founder Keely Johnson is helping to provide kids with autism and learning disabilities tools they need to succeed in education. (Damjan Janevski) 306339_02

Liam McNally

Thirty-eight more iPad’s were gifted to children with autism and other intellectual disabilities thanks to Keeley’s Cause.

Keeley’s Cause is a charity organisation started by Keeley Johnston when she was just 13 years old.

Ms Johnson is a Ballan resident living with autism and an intellectual disability.

In her schooling journey she found it difficult to learn current school curriculums without the assistance of technology.

She set up Keeley’s Cause in the hopes of preventing other children with autism and learning disabilities from facing the same roadblocks she did.

Keeley’s Cause is a charity that has provided 332 iPads over five years to children with autism and intellectual disabilities to help with their education.

At the presentation day at the Melton Valley Golf Club on Thursday, November 3, 21 iPads were given out in person, and sponsors and recipient families were given the opportunity to meet each other.

Keeley’ Cause chief executive Sharon Murphy said the presentation event was “heart touching”.

“When you see the faces on those kids that have been given those iPads and their parents know that somebody has supported their child, it’s an absolutely beautiful presentation for the family, the kids, and the sponsors,” she said.

Sponsors for this round of iPads included Ballan Lions Club, Green Gully Soccer Club, and Red Sparrow Books.

Ms Murphy said she’s “very proud” of the way Ms Johnson has overcome obstacles to help others.

“What she’s doing is absolutely phenomenal, I’m so proud of her to be so selfless to be doing this organisation that helps other kids,” she said.

People can help out Keeley’s cause by donating, volunteering, or sponsoring.
