Cost of living increasing food insecurity

Combined Churches Caring Melton chief executive Denise Morris has witnessed the impacts of cost of living first hand. (Damjan Janevski) 304121_01

By Liam McNally

Food insecurity is on the rise in Melton, and across Australia, according to a Foodbank Australia report.

Foodbank Australia’s Hunger Report 2022 highlighted that two million, or 21 per cent, of households in Australia have experienced severe food insecurity in the last year.

The report showed 32 per cent of two-parent families and 37 per cent of single-parent families had experienced severe food insecurity during the last 12 months.

Affordability of food also decreased, with 55 per cent of food insecure households reporting that they can not afford food more often this year than last year.

Foodbank Australia has defined severe food insecurity as households which sometimes skip meals or entire days of eating because they do not have enough money for food.

The report also highlighted the increasing cost of living is the most common reason for food insecurity, with 64 per cent of people citing it as a cause.

Melton food charity Combined Churches Caring has just set up their first ongoing deliveries with Foodbank Victoria.

Combined Churches Caring Melton chief executive Denise Morris said demand for their services in Melton have been increasing “exponentially”.

In September 2021, the service provided food for 156 people, while at the same time this year that number has risen to 246.

Ms Morris said the biggest increase has been in people over the age of 65, which used to be around eight to 10 people a month but in August, more than 50 people reached out.

“We’ve had a lot of people that have coped well throughout the years that are absolutely distraught that they have to reach out for help,” she said.

“Please don’t suffer in silence.

“If you know anybody in need please bring them down.”
