Hope for small business

(Tim Mossholder/Unsplash)

Victorian Small Business Commissioner Lynda McAlary-Smith has expressed her optimism for Melton’s small businesses to continue to bounce back following the COVID-19 pandemic.

She met with Melton council officers and the executive team on Wednesday, September 28 to discuss the needs of the area’s small businesses to recover and remain stronger into the future.

“The feeling was broadly optimistic,” she said.

Ms McAlary-Smith said an upcoming Jobs Victoria forum for small businesses in Melton would support small business owners from across the west.

She said the city of Melton had a culturally diverse small business base which Melton council should continue to engage with to ensure they remain aware of what business owners need in terms of council support.

Ms McAlary-Smith said one of the major concerns for the Melton area and the north-west of Melbourne at large was staff shortages.

“Melton is not alone with that challenge,” she said.

“We’ve got heaps of job vacancies.”

Ms McAlary-Smith said another challenge which Melton and the broader Melbourne area were facing was the pressures of inflation and resulting increases in prices.

“If the prices go up at a local cafe, that’s not the cafe being stingy, that’s them trying to keep their head above water,” she said.

Details: www.vsbc.vic.gov.au