Nothing changes

Steven Lustica in action last year. (Getty/Supplied)

Tara Murray

Western United might be the reigning A-League Men’s champions but nothing has changed as the team prepares for the upcoming season.

The majority of the squad has returned and coach John Aloisi is back for a second season as they look to build on what they did last season.

Steven Lustica was one of the key players in the championship run. He said the group had come back ready to work.

“It was very exciting last year, winning the championship was incredible,” he said. “We’ve come into the pre-season from day one, working hard like we always have.

“It’s been a long pre-season, but a really good pre-season up until now. We’re coming down to the final weeks and we’re really excited for the start of the season.”

Lustica said nothing changed for the group. He said while they were proud of what they had achieved, it was now about looking ahead.

“I wouldn’t say it feels different,” he said. “We’re still training the same way we’ve always trained.

“We’ve got the same mentality, nothing changes from our end. We’re still going to work just as hard as last year, even more now.

“Everyone is expecting things from us now. Teams are going to be strengthened as well and we’ve been working on a lot of things.”

Lustica said the new players had fitted in well as the boys returned to a normal pre-season after a COVID interrupted one last year.

“We didn’t get many pre-season games last year, it was a lot harder to come together as a group.”

One person who has enjoyed getting a full pre-season is star Leo Lacroix. The Swiss star had an instant impact last season for United.

He said he was keen to get back out there again as the side aimed for back-to-back.

“It was a longer pre-season and now in three weeks we start the season again,” he said.

“I stayed here [over the off season]. My daughter is in school here. We enjoy it here in Melbourne, Victoria, I’m very happy.”

Larcroix said having a three month pre-season was foreign to him and admits sometimes it felt long.

But he said it was important for not only him but the group.

“It was important for the group for everyone to be ready for the season,” he said. “It’s important to do this now and being fresh going into the season.

“We have to stay humble, smart and fight every game. Every game is different, we know if we want to deliver the same moment last year, we know what we have to do.”

Larcroix said for him the biggest thing would be consistency to ensure that he was helping his teammates.

“I’m focused not only on me, but also my teammates and how I can help them,” he said.

“When we win something together, it’s the fruit on top of the cake. We’re confident we can win the trophy. We want to try and keep this trophy with us.”

Nicolas Milanovic enjoyed the experience of being part of the United squad and what they did last year.

But as one of the young players coming through, there’s plenty of more motivation to go there again and play a bigger role.

“I think it’s good to look forward to something after winning something,” he said. “You have to back it up, so it has pushed us a lot in the pre-season.

“I was there but on the bench. It has pushed a lot of the younger lads, who are pushing the guys that are already starting.

“It’s a good balance with everyone pushing each other to get to the park.

Milanovic said the pre-season training this year had been about building on what they had already done.

He said they had raised the bar on the track and wanted to continue to do that with a strong culture among the group.

“We’ve brought in some more players, younger and older to fill in spots we obviously needed too,” he said.

“We’ve got a good bunch of lads and good people. That’s what we are about here.

“The relationships we have off the field carries on the field. It’s why we work so hard for each other, to win games.”

Personally, Milanovic is hoping to get more game time. His form in the pre-season has been strong including scoring a hat-trick against the Oakleigh Cannons in a practice match last week.

“As a young lad work hard and put your head down,” he said.

“For me to be ready when the boss needed me. When I get given opportunities I need to take it.”

Milanovic said while they were the reigning champs there was still the view that they are the underdogs.

It’s that mentality he’s hoping will carry them to another title.