Council continues to lobby after funding neglect


By Olivia Condous

Melton council has continued to lobby the government for road infrastructure funding, following the announcement of $114 million road upgrades in the neighbouring municipality of Wyndham.

The council launched the Fix Our Roads campaign in April this year, calling on the state and federal governments to fund upgrades for six arterial roads in the area.

Melton mayor Goran Kesic said the current infrastructure in the municipality was at capacity.

“The City of Melton is one of the fastest growing areas in the country… our population is going to more than double by 2050,” Cr Kesic said.

“Almost $5 billion has been invested in major roads in other growing suburbs in recent years, but the City of Melton continues to miss out on what we need to keep our residents moving.”

“Years of under investment by successive state and federal governments, has led to aged, congested roads putting road users’ safety at risk every day.”

In a statement responding to the council’s advocacy campaign, Melton MP Steve McGhie said that he continued to advocate for upgrades to the Western Freeway, the only road highlighted in the campaign that falls within the Melton state district boundaries.

“I am pleased to say that the Albanese Federal Government has committed $10 million for a business case for the Western Freeway,” he said.

“I would also hope that the Melton council would put in as much attention to fixing their own roads, many constituents contact my office with road issues and overwhelmingly these roads are council roads.”

Liberal Party candidate for Melton Graham Watt said he was in “regular contact” with opposition leader Matthew Guy about advocating for Melton’s needs, including road upgrades.

“As a local Melton resident, I see the results of the neglect from the Andrews Labor Government every day and our roads are just one example of this,” Mr Watt said.