Melton and Moorabool residents are encouraged to be aware of territorial birds such as magpies and masked lapwings, who may begin swooping during their breeding season.
Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning [DELWP] senior wildlife projects officer Leila Brook said swooping is essentially a scare tactic to warn people and other animals to stay away from their nesting young.
“Swooping can catch us by surprise, but it is normal behaviour for some territorial birds,” she said.
“Birds may swoop people or animals, so be mindful of your dogs too.”
“However, not all birds swoop to protect their eggs and young during the breeding season, so don’t be concerned simply because there are magpies or other common swooping birds in the area.”
There are a number of ways to avoid being swooped, including:
* Avoiding the area if possible;
* Moving quickly, but not running;
* Covering your head with a hat, helmet or umbrella, but not waving it around; and
* Not harassing or feeding any birds.