Feedback open for pets in public


Melton council is reaching out to residents to gain feedback on a new Dog Off-Lead strategy for the municipality.

The council is calling on dog owners and non-dog owners to share their thoughts and concerns, to create a better experience for everyone.

The strategy will consider where where additional off-lead areas might be needed, if fenced off-lead areas or unfenced off-lead areas are more appropriate, if owners generally control their dogs appropriately and if

compliance with leashing regulation is being enforced adequately.

Currently, all dogs must be on a lead in all public places within the Melton municipality, unless they are in one of the six, fenced off-lead areas.

Melton mayor Goran Kesic encouraged residents to have their say.

“We want to identify off-lead and on-lead opportunities for dog owners and their dogs, while considering the needs of everyone who spends time in our open spaces,” he said.

“To help us strike the right balance, we want to hear from everyone, whether you own a dog or not, to understand your interests and concerns when it comes to dogs in open spaces.”

Residents can complete a survey or write a submission until September 18.
