The state government has launched a new initiative to better ensure equitable access everyone to community sport, including in Melton and Moorabool.
Minimum standards will be enforced state-wide, which will ensure all Victorian councils provide fair access to sporting facilities for people of all genders in order to be eligible to receive infrastructure funding from the government.
The initiative has three phases: education, readiness and progress. The standards will be laid out in a roadmap resource made available for local governments, sport and recreation organisations and other groups that manage publicly owned community sports infrastructure.
The goal of the change is to improve the access and use of community sports facilities by women and girls.
The standards will come into place from July 2024.
The first phase will begin this year, as the Office for Women in Sport and Recreation will provide training, education and support to local councils to help them facilitate and implement the changes.
Office for Women in Sport and Recreation director Sarah Styles said the new landmark policy would ensure community sporting environments are welcoming, accessible, and inclusive for everyone.
“We’re looking forward to working with all stakeholders, wherever they are on their journey.”