Motherhood comedy a “wild night out”

Mum comedians Emma Krause, Pony Knox and Simone Springer. (Supplied)

A comedic celebration of all things motherhood is coming to Melton, as a chance to have a laugh about the highs and lows of being a mum.

The Motherhood Comedy, a show that is described as a “wild night out, mum style”, is coming to Tabcorp Park on August 9 as part of its Victorian tour.

The show stars Perth comedic trio Emma Krause, Pony Knox and Simone Springer, who have toured the show across the country for the last five years.

Ms Knox said the show was not just for mums, but was also for all parents or anyone who had looked after a child.

“It’s all about building women up… but we often do have shows where plenty of dads come too,” she said.

The show has evolved over the years as the three comedian’s children have grown from toddlers to teenagers and new parenting challenges have presented themselves.

“We just finished with the prams and the high chairs, now we’re moving on to having teenagers and so things are sort of changing and we’re evolving as we perform together,” Ms Knox said.

“It’s a bit of a roller coaster and we love that our audience has come on board with it,

“It’s just so lovely having a good excuse for a good night out.”
