Balliang East Primary School pupils walk the talk

Pupils at Balliang East Primary School are stepping up to the challenge of walking to school every day for a month.

October is Walk to School month, and all 37 pupils at Balliang East Primary and their teachers have started the month-long challenge of walking to and from school each day.

The free campaign encourages primary school children and their parents to leave their car behind and stretch out their legs on the school run.

“I think it’s really good for the kids,” said school principal Caryn Fox.

“There’s the whole social side of it, as well as the exercise, of course, and the students get to chat before they start the school day.”

The school first took part in the event in 2011, back when it was only a walk-to-school day, and it won the Golden Shoe award for its high levels of participation.

The school arranges a meeting place for pupils to start their walk from because many travel from points such as Werribee.

The teachers meet the pupils there each morning and guide them to school on foot.

“There’s a lot of commitment, but it’s worth it in the end,” Ms Fox said.

The school took the top prize again last year for its commitment in clocking up the kilometres, winning a $1000 sports voucher.

More than 30,000 students from over 300 schools joined in the event last year.

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