RSPCA winter pet warning


As cold weather chills the air in Melton and Moorabool, the RSPCA is urging pet owners to consider their animals and prepare for the cold months ahead.

RSPCA chief executive Dr Liz Walker said that while some animals can live happily outdoors in colder weather, they still require extra care and consideration during winter.

“Some parts of Victoria regularly see sub zero temperatures which can pose significant welfare risks for animals,” Dr Walker said.

“There are many things we can do to prepare and ensure our animals stay warm and protected from the winter elements.”

Dr Walker said it’s import to ensure outdoor pets have access to proper shelter and indoor animals have a warm place to sleep away from cool drafts.

Farm animals should be able to move from paddocks into three-sided shelters to escape cold, rain and win, and chickens require extra bedding to keep them warm.

Dr Walker said winter brings a new influx of cruelty reports, with RSPCA Victoria last winter receiving over 4700 cruelty reports.

The most common issues were underweight animals, insufficient food and shelter, poor husbandry and lack of veterinary treatment.

“It’s important pet owners consider any additional requirements needed during winter, such as extra bedding, more food and adequate shelter away from the wind and rain,” Dr Walker said.