Cr safety concerns about sex work in Melton


A Melton councillor has expressed her safety concerns over sex work being conducted in her municipality.

Cr Moira Deeming moved a motion at last week’s council meeting, asking council to “urgently undertake targeted market research” about whether Melton residents view the state government’s plan to allow sex work on public streets and in residential zones as positive or negative.

“Currently, prostitution is legal,” Dr Deeming said in her motion.

“It is only illegal in Victoria if it takes place outside industrial zones, and if it is not conducted in accordance with various other health and safety regulations.

“However, the Victorian government has announced that it will remove those safeguarding

regulations to allow public street prostitution and home based brothels to operate with barely any oversight at all.

“This issue is of particular concern given the scope, scale and impact for local streets, residential areas and commercial precincts in our municipality.

“We as a Council must step in and facilitate proper community consultation and seek the views of those most likely to be impacted by these laws.”

Cr Deeming asked that council officers engage in the research and survey of the community “as soon as possible”.

The motion was carried, with council officers estimating the cost of the survey to be $25,000 or more.

Council officers said: “Given that the Bill has already had its second reading speech in the lower house, it is problematic that the market research results will be received in a timely manner to impact on deliberations by the State Parliament.”