The frugal life, according to Karen and Danny

Melton’s Karen and Danny Ellis live the ultimate frugal life.

Everything they own has somehow been recycled, repaired, replaced and reused, and most often it comes from landfill.

Karen admits their way is “unusual” but thanks her alternative lifestyle for being able to retire at 50.

The couple have also launched ‘Rude Record’, a blog and Facebook page that showcases their lifestyle to a global audience.

“What’s appealing for Danny and me is the simple lifestyle of ‘make do and mend’; that’s what interests us,” Karen said.

“What you find at landfill is amazing. You wouldn’t believe what people throw out . . . it really isn’t rubbish.”

Karen and Danny get all their clothes from landfill sites across Melbourne. It’s what she calls ‘Scavenger Style’, a concept she also blogs about.

“We scrounge, scavenge and rummage around in boxes and bins . . . all over the place,” she said. “It’s like the thrill of the treasure hunt; you’re not sure what you’re going to find.”

Karen says she looks for textiles, clothes and shoes, while tech-savvy Danny looks for goods such as TV’s, toasters and kettles he can repair for the home.

“Once we get these things they become part of the story of our life,” Karen said.

She will host a free recycled gift-making workshop, as a ‘Bacchchat’ event, between 1pm and 3pm on December 6 at the Lerderderg library in Bacchus Marsh. Inquires 5366 7100.

To follow the Ellis’s, visit or on Facebook “Rude Record Personal Blog”