Tee-ming up to help at Bacchus Marsh Golf Club

Bacchus Marsh Golf Club last week teed off for a special event in support of Ovarian Cancer Australia.

The club’s ladies group dressed in teal, the international colour for ovarian cancer, and enjoyed a game of golf for the cause.

This is not the first time the ladies have come together in support of a charity. Last month they hosted a pink golf event in support of breast cancer and the McGrath Foundation.

Ladies group captain Margot Dunne said it was important for the group to help raise awareness and money to support each other and other women.

“Sometimes they [women] don’t like to ask for help [when they’re ill]. When they know a group of other people are supporting them it’s going to make them feel better,” Ms Dunne said.

“It makes me really sad to think 1200 women are diagnosed with ovarian cancer a year an d 800 die every year.

“It makes me feel very humble that we can help people and make others aware that this is a debilitating disease. Not enough people are aware of it.”

Information booklets about ovarian cancer were handed out to everyone who attended the golf day.

The group raised about $800 from the event.

Ms Dunne said she hoped the money would help improve quality of life and survival for women battling ovarian cancer.

For more details go to www.ovariancancer.net.au