Melton’s Tim is tackling life head on since Crohn’s diagnosis

Melton’s Tim Bandel is not letting anything get in the way of his goals.

The 22-year-old has been battling Crohn’s disease since being diagnosed five years ago.

“It was a rollercoaster for me from there,” said Mr Bandel.

His life has been nothing short of a battle, but he’s tackling it head on. The rare condition is a bowel disease, characterised by chronic intestinal inflammation.

Mr Bandel says the best way to understand it is that it’s like “having food poisoning or gastro all the time”.

His condition can flare up at any time, leaving him hospitalised and feeling weak.

Last October, Mr Bandel experienced a severe flare-up which sent him to hospital extremely ill. He lost 12 kilograms, dropping to a mere 50 kilograms.

Doctors wanted to remove his large intestine, but he declined to have the operation.

Instead, he began the road to recovery and started to exercise.

At first it was walking around the pool table then down the street. A week later he walked around the block and gradually he took on longer distances before starting to jog.

In January this year, Mr Bandel joined Anytime Fitness gym.

His goal was to strengthen his “incredibly weak” body.

He hit his peak weight of 71 kilograms and things were looking good.

But in July he landed in hospital again, in an intensive care unit with doctors again wanting to operate.

Again he declined and battled through.

“I guess what keeps me going is wanting to succeed so badly, just not letting it stop me.”

Mr Bandel’s focus on powerlifting means he can deadlift 130 kilograms.

Last week he was recognised for his hard work and determination at the Anytime Fitness Australia annual awards in Sydney, where he won the member’s award in the rehabilitation category.

Mr Bandel is now completing studies to become a personal trainer, and he hopes to also work as a motivational speaker.

Although his battle with Crohn’s disease continues, he counteracts its effects on his system and keeps reminding himself that he’s “going to get through”.

“I want to inspire people not to let their circumstances dictate their life,” he said. “Your greatest opportunities are your greatest obstacles. Keep working towards your goal and never give up.

“No matter how many times you’ve failed, just don’t give up,” Mr Bandel said.