Recycling Week: Tinged with green for great cause

Go green and get your 3Rs down pat during national Recycling Week when people are urged to reduce, reuse and recycle.

Melton council wants to highlight the environmental benefits of reducing and reusing resources.

Mayor Sophie Ramsey is encouraging residents to get involved this week.

“Whether you have young children, enjoy a movie or are curious about what happens to green waste once it leaves the kerb, there’s something for everyone,” she said.

Recycling Week preparations kicked off early this year in Melton, with the entertaining Litter Sisters from Visy performing at the Djerriwarrh festival at the weekend.

An information booth was set up to answer questions about waste and what happens to it. More free events have been organised for this week, with one recurring theme: recycling.

The pre-school storytime at Melton and Caroline Springs libraries will explore how to live greener, while Melton library will screen the documentary, Waste Land, at 1pm today and 6.30pm tomorrow.

A special tour of the Veolia green waste processing centre at Bulla has been organised and Melton residents can hop on the community bus at 10am on Thursday from the Melton’s High Street civic centre.

To book, call 9747 7300.