Fenced in and shut out on Lohs Lane in Myrniong

A gate separating properties on Lohs Lane in Myrniong is dividing residents, with one couple fighting for its removal.

Scott and Olivia Fisher applied unsuccessfully to the council last May for cancellation of an agricultural licence, which applies to 500 metres of the lane, and for the gate to go.

Under conditions of the agricultural licence, a gate is required. But Mr Fisher said the land was no longer used for agriculture and the gate blocked access to his property.

Four properties on Lohs Lane are outside the gate; three are behind it.

Mrs Fisher said her property was hard to reach.

“It’s our only access,” she said. “Everyone should have access to their property.”

The Fishers will submit a new request at the February council meeting, asking that Lohs Lane no longer be classified an “unused road”.

Mrs Fisher said the family’s main concern was that while it was deemed “unused”, that part of Lohs Lane would not be maintained.

“We’re hoping the council uses common sense and says, ‘How can we have three houses and no road that leads there?’,” she said.

Ambulance Victoria, Bacchus Marsh police and Myrniong fire brigade have all expressed their concerns over the road, and letters from each will be presented at the council meeting.

A petition signed by more than 50 road users, including delivery drivers, tradesmen and visitors, will also be submitted.

Neighbour Monica Bartels, who told the council in May the gate should be closed at all times to stop off-road bikes, said this week: “I find it strange the matter is again before council given the council gave it due and proper consideration in May.”