Bacchus Marsh CFA chief warns of looming fire threat

Despite a return to cooler temperatures this week, authorities are warning residents to be extra vigilant to the threat of fires this summer.

Bacchus Marsh CFA 4th lieutenant Dale Salathiel said his team had responded to about 13 bushfires by the end of the first week of 2015.

“Most of the fires we attended to have been large-scale and there have been a lot of fires,” Mr Salathiel said.

“We don’t know what’s around the corner.”

He advised residents to keep an eye out on the CFA website for important warnings and advice to evacuate before it became too late.

“Be well prepared [if you’re going to stay] – have you got enough water supply? Is it worth risking your life? Did you have your gutters cleaned?

“Houses can be replaced but lives can’t.”

Cars blocking emergency vehicles posed a real hazard and hindered firefighters, Mr Salathiel said.

The Department of Environment and Primary Industries’ district veterinary officer Dr Lee Manning advised residents to update and practice their household and farm fire plans.

“Pre-planning where to evacuate your animals is extremely important as evacuation is an absolute last resort,” Dr Manning said.

“Practice loading the children and pets into the car in a mock-evacuation to ensure you are ready well before you need to leave.”

The Department of Health has already issued three heat health alerts for the central district, which includes Melton and Moorabool, this year. Alerts are issued when average temperatures are due to reach and exceed heat health thresholds, which is 30 degrees in the central district.

Chief health officer Dr Rosemary Lester said the state will experience an hotter than average February.

“It’s really important there is a community response to the alerts we issue,” Dr Lester said.

People over the age of 65, individuals with some medical conditions, those who have a mental illness, pregnant women, babies and children are the most vulnerable.

Heat health alerts, are issued at