
Help with the power bills

The Australian government’s Koori Energy Efficiency Program (KEEP) can help Aboriginal people who are concerned about electricity and gas bills. KEEP workers, recruited from the local Koori community, can provide expert advice through home visits. Clients who have a KEEP visit will receive a $50 gift voucher. Call Doreen Lovett on 0408 170 873 for more information.

Your chance to be a town planner

Melton residents are being encouraged to attend the council’s pre-budget engagement sessions to have their say on the city’s priorities. Mayor Sophie Ramsey said the sessions were a chance to discuss ideas and proposals with councillors and staff. “Before we prepare the 2015-16 draft budget, we want resident input on what they feel the budget priorities should be for the next financial year,” Cr Ramsey said. The sessions will be from 6.30-9pm on Thursday, February 5, at Melton library, 31 McKenzie Street, Melton, and from 10am-1pm on Saturday, February 7, at Caroline Springs library, in Caroline Springs Boulevard.

Council seeks cash for makeover

Melton council has submitted a $6.75 million funding application to the federal government to revitalise the town’s centre. The proposed $13.5 million Pride of Melton project will transform McKenzie and Palmerston streets, and Wallace and Bakery squares. The outcome of the submission will be known in May.