Melton councillor Michael Matalewski quits after six months

Michael Matalewski has resigned just six months into his term as a Melton councillor, citing “lack of transparency” and “stances that do not benefit the community” among his reasons.

Mr Matalewski was elected following a countback of the 2012 election, following Broden Borg’s resignation.

But the Coburn ward councillor resigned at 4.30pm last Tuesday, effective immediately.

There will be a second countback of the 2012 election results in the next month to find Mr Matalewski’s replacement.

In his resignation letter, he stated that: “Unfortunately, due to the lack of transparency of some of my fellow councillors and disappointment in some of the stances I see being made that do not benefit the community at large, I am unable to continue my role as a councillor in this fine community.”

Council chief executive Kel Tori said he would not be launching an investigation into Mr Matalewski’s allegations “as they were general comments with no specifics provided”.

Melton mayor Sophie Ramsey said councillors were not given any indication that Mr Matalewski was disgruntled with proceedings in the council chambers.

“In instances where he was unable to attend, he cited work and family commitments,” Cr Ramsey said.

She said Mr Matalewski had missed important community events since being elected, including the Australia Day celebrations and awards.

Cambridge, Coburn and Watts Residents Association committee member Nathan Miles said Mr Matalewski had effectively represented his community to the best of his ability.

“We called him about residents’ issues and he always returned our calls and was open and honest,” he said. “I believe he was undermined … by certain councillors.”

But Melton Residents’ Association president John Goodman, who sent a letter asking for Mr Matalewski to step down five days before his resignation, said “We’re over the moon and very pleased [by his resignation].”

Mr Matalewski did not return Star Weekly’s calls, emails or voice messages.