Resident despairs over suspected poisoning

By Esther Lauaki

All the leaves are brown on a gum tree near Maurice Stewart’s house – but he suspects something more sinister than a change of season.

The Hillside resident said he began to notice the tree nearest his driveway withering and dying in December.

“I notice that all the other trees were green and healthy-looking but that one tree was looking brown,” Mr Stewart said.

He said that an arborist confirmed his suspicions that the tree would not survive.

“I come from the bush and I know that trees sometimes get dieback … I thought it might be that,” Mr Stewart said.

“I rang the council and an arborist came out within a couple of days.

“He showed me that there were four drill holes around the bottom of the tree and suspected someone might have been poisoning the tree.

“Everybody keeps their front garden nice in our neighbourhood and it’s a shame that someone would do this to the trees.”

A Melton council spokeswoman said penalties would apply if it was discovered that the tree was being poisoned.

She said a number of factors would be considered including if the tree species was protected, if there was sufficient evidence and an offence could be proven.

Anyone who suspects tree poisoning should contact the council for more information on 9747 7200.