Top award sparks joy

Emily Waras

By Esther Lauaki

Electrical apprentice Emily Waras is proud to be at the top of her field.

Ms Waras, from Thornhill Park, clinched Kangan Institute’s overall Apprentice of the Year last week.

The road to success was bumpy for Ms Waras after she became pregnant midway through her apprenticeship.

“I had a rough pregnancy and it became very hard to work in the industry,” she said.

“I took six months off as part of maternity leave and that put me six months behind everyone else at my stage.

“When I returned, I commenced double the studies that most normal apprentices do and I studied an extra day a week.

“Once I finished that, I started night school for a post-trade certificate.”

Ms Waras now works at Downer Rail and said she loves being an electrician.

“I love that I’m challenged everyday with my job and that I’m professionally respected.

“If someone asks me what I do, I’m very happy to tell them I’m an apprentice electrician and I work in rail,” she said.

“My training has definitely transformed my life.”

She thanked her husband who she said introduced her to the trade.

“I wouldn’t be in this industry if not for my husband,” Ms Waras said.

“I worked as his trades assistant for two years and realised that I wanted to go down this path.

“I feel like all my hard work has finally been recognised.”