Big night ahead for festival

Preparing for DreamBig festival, Guillermo Viran, John Lan, Felipe Cornejo and Amy McDonald with students.

By Esther Lauaki

Hundreds of dreamers are expected at this month’s Dream Big festival.

The annual event will be at the Mt Carberry Reserve on March 29 as part of the Dream Big Party in the Park.

Local arts, culture, health, and wellbeing is the focus of the festival, now in its fifth year, run by Djerriwarrh Health Services and Melton Festival for Healthy Living.

Djerriwarrh Health promotion co-ordinator Benjamin Taylor said the festival was a great way to connect with the community.

Highlights will include live performances, food, a marketplace, sports activities, a fire show, followed by a screening of

The Greatest Showman in the outdoor cinema at 8.30pm.

The festival starts at 6pm.

Anyone interested in running an activity, a stall, performing or helping out on the day can contact: