Vaccination extension

By Esther Lauaki

A free two-dose hepatitis A vaccination program has been extended to help control the disease in Victoria.

The vaccination program, run by the Department of Health and Human Services for the past year, will continue to be offered until June 30.

Those eligible for vaccinations under the program include men who have sex with men, people who have injected drugs in the past 12 months, homeless rough sleepers and adult prisoners.

Victoria’s acting chief health officer, Brett Sutton, said there had been 211 confirmed cases linked to an outbreak of hepatitis A in Victoria and two deaths.

Hepatitis A is usually spread through touching objects or consuming food or water that has been contaminated by an infected person.

Transmission can also occur through sharing injecting equipment or person-to-person contact.

It can take between 15 to 50 days to develop symptoms after a susceptible person comes into contact with hepatitis A.

Symptoms include fever, nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain, followed by dark urine and yellow skin or eyes.

“People can be infectious and transmit the infection to others for up to two weeks before they become unwell,”
Dr Sutton said.

“This means it is especially important to get vaccinated if you are at risk and are a food handler, healthcare worker or childcare worker … you might transmit infection to vulnerable people before you realise you are ill.”
