Diggers Rest Primary School goes pink to stump cancer

A sea of pink took over Diggers Rest Primary School last week as pupils and teachers dressed up to show their support for the McGrath Foundation.

The school was taking part in Pink Stumps Day, joining the likes of the Australian cricket team to show their support for the anti-cancer cause.

Pupils made gold-coin donations for the occasion and their families were encouraged to donate online.

All funds raised help the foundation raise money to fund breast care nurses in local communities and increase breast-care awareness in young Australians.

Diggers Rest school principal Rachelle Hedger said the school had supported the McGrath Foundation through participation in stumps day for several years.

“As a school we get involved in a number of different community events and charities, and this is one that stands out,” Ms Hedger said.

Make a donation

Visit www.gofundraise.com.au/page/diggersprimary.