Dip in Moorabool council satisfaction rate

Residents’ satisfaction with some of Moorabool council’s services has dipped slightly, the latest local government community satisfaction survey reveals.

While the council’s overall performance (56 out of 100) and direction (53) remained the same as 2014, customer service (64) and sealed local roads (43) were down four points.

Meanwhile, community decisions (50) and advocacy (49) each dropped two points, while there was a three-point increase in satisfaction with the council’s community consultation processes (51).

Council chief executive Rob Croxford said the survey information was a useful snapshot of the community’s attitudes towards council and its services.

“The survey, particularly the grid matrix, reminds us of the relative importance the community places on a range of our services and how they think we’re performing,” Mr Croxford said.

“This year’s survey shows us there’s still room to improve in many areas, and that it take a long time to shift the community’s perceptions.”

Mr Croxford said despite increased spending on infrastructure in recent years, residents’ perceptions had not changed. “This reflects our challenge, to improve our vast road network relative to our population during a period of unprecedented demand on council resources.”

Conductors of the annual state government survey contacted about 400 Moorabool residents between January 31 and March 30 this year. Council will receive the report at its next meeting on August 5.

Survey details: moorabool.vic.gov.au