Toolern Vale CFA in desperate call for recruits

Toolern Vale CFA has embarked on a recruitment drive.

Captain Danny Lawton says more volunteer firefighters are needed to support the community and there’s also a need to fill non-firefighting roles ranging from community education and administration to support at incident control centres.

The Toolern Vale fire brigade has about 35 volunteer members, including Melton and Kurunjang residents.

But the brigade could do with more, and Mr Lawton said males and females 17 and older were welcome to join up.

“We’d like to increase the number of firefighters we have, particularly with people who are home during the day,” Mr Lawton said.

“We struggle at the moment with [finding] members who are available during the day, because a lot of our members are working in Melbourne.”

Mr Lawton said it was important to have people on board who could respond to incidents in Toolern Vale.

And with more local volunteers, better response times could be achieved.

Volunteers will be provided with the necessary training and skills. An information night will be held on Monday, March 23, at which Mr Lawton says those interested will learn about what’s involved in becoming a volunteer or volunteer firefighter.

“They can make a decision from there whether they want to put their hand up or not,” he said.

Find out more

The information night is at 203 Creamery Road, Toolern Vale, from 7.30-8.30. To register, phone 0405 186 344.