Diggers Rest’s fallen World War I soldiers fixed in time

Diggers Rest’s fallen World War I soldiers will be commemorated with a new memorial.

The joint project of the Diggers Rest Lions Club and primary school will feature a two-metre-high, four-sided cenotaph and “teaching garden”.

Melton council gave approval at last week’s council meeting for the memorial to be built at Diggers Rest Recreation Reserve.

Lions club secretary Bob Cassar said they were thrilled by the council’s support and hoped to start the project soon with the aim of unveiling it on July 29.

“Anzac Day is gaining popularity,” Mr Cassar said.

“A lot more people are interested in it now and, of course, Diggers Rest has always missed out. The closest [memorials] are in Sunbury and Melton.”

The project’s cost of about $20,000 is being funded by the federal government, an ANZAC centenary grant, the St Ives estate development and Lions Club of Diggers Rest.

Diggers Rest Primary School principal Rachelle Hedger said the teaching garden would feature a lone pine, plaques, indigenous plants and possibly student artwork.

“Diggers Rest has such a rich history and cultural background [so] it’s important we maintain and celebrate the past,” Ms Hedger said.

“We currently attend Anzac Day services in Sunbury so it will be fantastic for the kids to have a memorial nearby.”