MY MOORABOOL: Elise Arnold

Elise Arnold

What is your connection to Moorabool?


I live in Ballarat but I’ve worked at Kryal Castle in Leigh Creek for the past five years.


You run the educational programs at Kryal Castle. What are the quirks and perks of your job?


It’s so much fun to work here. Sometimes I get to be a princess and sometimes I get to be a prince. The entertainment side of my role means that I do about seven shows a day and write the shows to meet demand. I get to work at a castle and be whatever the kids want to see me as.


What does the role involve?


It umbrellas a lot of different jobs. I’ve got a background in performance and history. I’m lucky enough to be able to combine these into my job. We run murder mysteries, education programs, melodramas, I help out with the arena shows with jousting Knights.

I could be asked to do all sorts of things in one day.

What would people be surprised to know about you?


When I was a kid I used to love Cluedo and murder mystery games so much.


What are you passionate about?

When I first started at Kryal Castle I had an interest and curiosity in history, performance and writing shows and I’ve been able to develop that love into a role that gives me a creative outlet to entertain and educate people. One of the most beautiful parts of this job is that you get to fulfill kids dreams.

We work with them and make the material really engaging and interesting for them. I love that I can capture kids that may not have an interest in history.


Kryal Castle is at 121 Forbes Road, Leigh Creek.