Teen sets high goals

Grace Valele

A young Melton netballer has set herself some big goals for the future and she’s on her way to achieving them after landing a spot on the state secondary schools squad.

Grace Valele, 14, from Melton Secondary College, was selected for the School Sports Victoria under-15s team that will play in the Adelaide championships in December.

“I’m really excited about being selected,” Grace said.

“The training has been good so far, the coaches focus on what we need to improve on and let us know what we’re doing well.”

Grace plays for the Melton South Panthers, Westside Saints and the Altona-based Bayside Netball Club to supplement her training with the state squad.

Her mum Timu said netball is “in her blood”.

“She’s the eldest of five children and she started playing netball when she was very small,” Mrs Valele said.

The Samoan-born teen moved to Australia with her family five years ago from New Zealand and said her loyalties are torn between the three netball powerhouses.

“I hope to go all the way with my netball and play professionally some day,” Grace said.

“I think I might want to play for New Zealand in the future.”