Melton Centrals focus on girls

Peter Binek (Coach) Georgia Ely, Emmerson Hitch, Kris Connelly (President) Lara Lampi and Aleesha Lampi Picture Damian Visentini

Melton Centrals are keen on providing a pathway for girls from Auskick through to the senior women’s football side.

The junior arm of the club already fields an under-18 youth league side and is looking at adding two more girls teams for the coming season.

Centrals junior football and netball club secretary Kirsten Mitchener said there was a lot of interest in expanding girls football at the club and in the Riddell District Football League, the competition in which Centrals play.

“We had about 28 girls play last season and have already had a lot of interest this season,” she said. “We’ll again have a youth girls side and want to have under-15s and under-12s.”

Coaches have been appointed for the under-15 and under-18 teams. The club will look at appointing an under-12 coach once it has confirmed enough numbers for a team.

The club this season has two girls, Emmerson Hitch and Chelsea Jansen, who have been named in the Western Jets Youth Girls Academy.

Mitchener said it wasn’t just on the football field that’s girls sport was growing. The club will have seven junior netball teams as well.

The football come and try nights will be held at Arnolds Creek Recreation Reserve on February 22 and March 1 from 5.30pm. No experience is needed and all interested girls are being encouraged to attend. Details:

Club training will start on Feburary 13.