Breakthrough for mental health across City of Melton

Help is at hand for Melton residents needing support and information about mental health and the services available to them locally.

New mental health services offered by Break Thru People Solutions – a not-for profit organisation offering employment and training programs – have had an immediate impact, with many residents signing on.

Mental health practitioner Patrick said Break Thru had a range of programs available for individuals, their carers and families.

“We recently opened up in Melton,” he said. “Clients who have access range [in age] from 16 upwards,” said Patrick, who works in a personal helpers and mentor program (PHaM).

He said the program did not require its clients to have a formal mental health diagnosis, but it aimed to help people gain a diagnosis and find the relevant support needed by each participant.

“In recent years, we’ve been working with a lot of clients addressing different barriers to mental health,” Patrick said.

“PHaM aims to provide increased opportunity for people who are severely affected by mental health.”

He said the program looked at ways to work with participants to support them in managing daily activities, developing independence and reducing barriers and the impacts of mental health problems on their lives.

Patrick said the program focused on support and recovery and had already proved a great success in Melton. He said more and more people were becoming aware of the impacts of mental health problems on their lives and were seeking help for themselves.

Break Thru offers a range of mental health programs that are funded by the state government.

Patrick said the PHaM program also supported people in other areas, such as offering respite care and helping people access different services offered in the community.

“Everyone should have the opportunity to live a fruitful life,” Patrick said.

“With the support of services like those provided by Break Thru, we provide emphasis on reaching this vision.”

Find out more

Contact Break Thru on 9365 9500 or online at