Push for shelters, seats at Bacchus Marsh bus stops

Moorabool council has taken a stand to get more seats and shelters at bus stops in and around Bacchus Marsh in response to community concerns.

East Moorabool ward councillor Tonia Dudzik put forward a motion at last week’s meeting recommending the council write to Public Transport Victoria (PTV), which is responsible for providing public transport services and associated infrastructure.

The motion was carried and the council will now write to PTV to ask for bus shelters at both the Bennett and Griffith streets stops.

“These [bus stops] are located close to aged care, elderly citizens and the shopping centre,” Cr Dudzik said.

“Not having adequate provision for bus shelters in these locations is impacting older residents in Bacchus Marsh,” she said.

Cr Dudzik said the council would also request that PTV develop a strategy to identify where else shelters were needed, particularly on new routes.

“I urge Public Transport Victoria to give construction of these shelters priority, as the longer it takes it will continue to impact the elderly and other bus users.”

Cr Dudzik said she raised the motion in response to community requests.

Last month, Star Weekly reported concerns of residents, including Kate Merrett, about the impact that a lack of seats and shelters had on residents, particularly the elderly and disabled.

“[I saw] three elderly people standing in full sun looking exhausted, weak and in need of a rest,” Ms Merrett said.

“Where’s the seat, I thought? And where’s some shade?

“People have also told me that when their kids take the bus on rainy days, they’re soaked by the end of the day.”

Ms Merrett said the addition of seats and shelters would mean public transport users could use the services with more ease and feel safer when waiting along busy roads.

“It would be a great step forward,” she said.