Melton, Brimbank teenagers win award for community work

Melton and Brimbank teens were recognised for their outstanding community work at a Gorton Young Leader’s award presentation last week.

Federal MP Brendan O’Connor presented the awards to 10 former year 12 students, who dedicated time out of busy study schedules to help others in their community.

Mr O’Connor established the awards program in 2009 to recognise “exceptional” young leaders in his electorate.

“I’m proud to be able to acknowledge the commitment these young people have shown to [their] education and community and recognise each of [them] as future leaders.”

Julia Sansone, of Melton, kept herself busy despite a very hectic VCE schedule last year. The aspiring journalism student even went to Kenya for some community work.

“We went over there, [it was] in a very disadvantaged area in Kenya, and we provided school equipment, did some teaching and volunteering,” Ms Sansone said.

The former Catholic Regional College student, who was part of the social justice team at the school, involved herself in raising awareness and money for animal rights.

“You really need to get young people involved because, essentially, they’re the future,” she said.

“They need to know what’s happening and with that knowledge they can decide what they want to do.”

Award recipients were from Melton Christian, Copperfield, Catholic Regional, Melton Secondary and Staughton colleges.