Firefighting and animal rescue a perfect match in Greendale

Donna Zabinskas’s two greatest passions are firefighting and animal rescue and she manages to incorporate both into her life as a CFA volunteer.

Ms Zabinskas (below) joined the Greendale brigade when she moved to Moorabool more than 20 years ago.

She said she wanted to support her community and learn more about how to protect her own home and family.

Seven years ago she founded an animal welfare organisation, Ballarat and District Greendale Animal Rescue (BADGAR), which incorporates the Greendale wildlife shelter she runs.

Ms Zabinskas works on the ground for both firefighting and wildlife welfare, rescuing animals after bushfires. She also helps sick, injured and orphaned animals.

“Helping people is a really important thing to do if you’re living in a rural community,” Ms Zabinskas said.

“It’s not just a thing you do; you get involved, you meet people, you learn things and then when there’s an issue in the area you help.”

“Our local brigade is a very good brigade, very active, very supportive and very community-minded. It’s more than just about volunteers; it’s like a little extended family.”

This month, the CFA is celebrating women like Ms Zabinskas, who is now a third lieutenant of the Greendale brigade, and she’s encouraging more female volunteers to jump on board.

“Sometimes women feel it’s not an area they could be confident in,” Ms Zabinskas said.

“They feel it’s not something they would be able to do, and that’s not so.

“It’s something they can do and they will be helped, trained and supported.”

How to volunteer

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