St Bernard’s Parish Primary School kids salute legend Subzero

Melbourne Cup champion

Subzero trotted into St Bernard’s Parish Primary School last week.

Pupils were thrilled to welcome the thoroughbred star and even happier to get up close to the winning racehorse for photos.

Grade 5 pupil Lucy said she was excited to be so close to a horse for the first time.

“It was really cool because we were allowed to pat him,” Lucy said.

Lucy, with her peers Aisha and Sarsha, are part of the school’s media team and put together a write-up about Subzero’s visit for the school’s newsletter. Sarsha said she enjoyed learning about the horse and writing about it for her peers to read.

She said she learnt that Subzero made a lot of money, had a unique grey-coloured coat and had won three major races in his prime, including the Melbourne Cup in 1992.

Aisha was also excited to be part of the media team that wrote about Subzero.

“I felt excited that I got to do this and it was a really big job and opportunity,” she said.