Ballan big on self-help

Ballan’s new oncology unit is up and running, thanks to the fundraising efforts of the local community.

Day-stay patients can now attend appointments and receive treatment close to home at the new Ballan District Health Centre.

The town’s Jockey Club and Arts and Crafts Club raised $48,000 at last year’s Love is in the Air festival, a food and wine event celebrating the region’s culinary delights, to fund three state-of-the-art chemotherapy chairs and equipment for the new oncology unit.

Clinical services director Marg Daw said the unit was the key to keeping these services local.

“It’s much better for families and their loved ones to access services locally,” she said. “We want to be able to treat patients and get them home to their families quicker. As this service grows it will be able to cater to the increasing needs of this community and surrounding communities.

“We’re in a major health corridor for residents from Ballarat to Melbourne and it’s a very fast-growing area. The need to provide a variety of quality services is very important.

“This is a fantastic community and we’re so lucky the people here really own their hospital.

“Ballan hospital has so much to offer, including the GP super clinic, acute care hospital, aged-care facility, pathology, oncology, and a health rehabilitation unit.

“This is an incredibly well-serviced town, thanks to the community being its driving force.”

… Esther Lauaki