Timber! Tree planting to begin in streets of Moorabool

A concentrated planting of trees is under way in Moorabool this week.

The streets of Maddingley, Darley, Gordon, Millbrook, Navigators, and Ballan will be the focus of the tree planting activity.

Residents might be familiar with the efforts as the initiative occurs annually.

Mayor Ally Munari said the natural beauty of the area was a big part of its appeal and that council would continue to foster this.

“Our trees are one of Moorabool’s greatest assets,” she said.

“Council is committed to planting more trees each year and caring for our existing trees.”

A variety of native and exotic trees will feature in the selected communities.

Environment, climate, soil conditions, aesthetic, and growth are all factors which have been considered when choosing what to plant in what town.

The council covers the supply and planting of the trees in these urban areas, which is expected to be completed by the end of the month.

Council maintains more than 18,000 urban, rural and reserve trees in the municipality between both urban and rural areas of the shire.