Men’s Shed puts health at the forefront

Diabetes Victoria's Jason Tamplin spoke at a recent event at the Melton Men's Shed. (Ljubica Vrankovic) 411829_01

Health is a major focus for the men of Melton.

Recently, a diabetic information and prevention session was held at both Taylors Hill and Melton Men’s Sheds.

It is one of many sessions organised by the Men’s Sheds that facilitate conversations regarding physical and mental welfare.

Chris Huon, who has been visiting the Men’s Shed twice a week for the last three years, said the health events held by the Men’s Shed have helped reshape attitudes.

“It’s changing a bit now, but males of my generation tend to view the doctor as someone that you see only if you are feeling a bit off colour – you just don’t ever visit,” he said.

In some instances, these talks have proved to be life saving.

“One of our members made the point quite clearly that recently, by virtue of having a check up, he discovered that he needed immediate medical attention for something that could have been life threatening,” Mr Huon said.

“It’s the reminder part of the talk that makes the difference.”

The close-knit nature of the club has created an environment where wellbeing is a priority, Mr Huon said.

“As a group we tend to be supportive and offer suggestions to one another … you do build relationships with these fellows and concern yourself with everyone’s welfare,” he said.

“My greatest satisfaction in being a member of the shed and joining in these discussions is not only receiving assistance, but offering and providing it too.”

Eddie Russell