Long weekend speeding drivers caught in Melton and Moorabool

Speed demons were nabbed on the roads in Melton and Moorabool over the long weekend, with more than 100 drivers being booked by police for speeding.

Operation Regal saw police targeting high-risk behaviour on Victorian roads from June 7 – 10.

Across the Melton Police Service Area and Moorabool Police Service Area, a number of offenders were picked up, including eight drink drivers, seven drug drivers, 12 disqualified drivers, and 15 unlicenced drivers.

On top of this, 13 disobeyed signs/signals, 34 were detected driving unregistered vehicles, and 120 speeding offences were recorded.

Across Victoria, 7,099 offences were detected, with speeding making up over 40 per cent of these offences.

Road Policing Assistant Commissioner Glenn Weir lamented the lack of common sense and said the results were frustrating.

“It was very disappointing that we detected so many people disregarding the road rules over the long weekend, especially considering there was some fairly poor weather to contend with,” he said

“It is much harder to avoid a collision in wet weather if you’re speeding, distracted, or driving while impaired, and yet we caught so many people taking those risks.”