Healthy bites
A free Healthy Cooking on a Budget course for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families will be held at the Djerriwarrh Community and Education Services. The course will include simple and innovative ways to create healthy and delicious snacks and meals. Free childcare available. On November 30, December 7 and December 14 from 9.30am to 3pm at 239 Station Road, Melton.
■ 8746 1100
Let’s dance
A free Bollywood and Bhangra dance program will be held at the Botanica Springs Children’s and Community Centre, 249 Clarkes Road, Brookfield on November 30, December 7 and December 14 from 5.30-6.30pm. The program will be run by Melton council and supported by the VicHealth Active Arts Grants. Spaces are limited so bookings are required.
■ 0747 5371 or
Get in line
Come along and join the Hillside Line Dancers at the Hillside Community Centre, Royal Crescent, Hillside, for social fitness made fun. Classes are $5 and held each Friday from 10am to noon. The next class is on Friday, December 1. No partner or experience required and it is suitable for all ages and levels – the first hour of each week is designed for beginners.
■ 9449 8027 or 9747 7200
Relay For Life
Relay For Life is a fun and moving overnight experience that raises funds for Cancer Council’s vital work in cancer research, prevention, information and support. Start or join a team in the Melton 2018 Relay. Saturday, February 24, from 4pm to 10am on Sunday, at the TABCORP Park, Melton South, Victoria.
Melton Town Centre open day
Celebrate the opening of the Melton Town Centre with music, entertainers, face-painting, games, jumping castle, food, craft and storytelling. Carols by Candlelight will follow at Hannah Watts Park. All free. Bookings not required. Saturday,
December 2 from 3-5pm. At the Melton Library and Learning Hub, 31 McKenzie Street, Melton.
Carols by Candlelight
Residents are invited to celebrate the festive season with neighbours, family and friends at Carols by Candlelight at Hannah Watts Park on Saturday, December 2. This free event starts at 6.30pm with performances by local primary schools, choirs and musicians. At 177-188 High Street, Melton 3337
■ 9747 7200
Community information session
Get ready for the summer fire season and learn how to stay safe. Chat to the CFA, Victoria Police, Red Cross, council and the Department of Health and Human Services at this community information session. Learn how to plan ahead, when to leave, and where to go to stay safe. Wednesday, December 6 at 7-8.30pm. At Toolern Vale Hall, Diggers Rest-Coimadai Road, Toolern Vale