Residents call to stop place of worship building plans

Kurunjang residents are petitioning to stop council from issuing a permit to build a place of worship. 373343_01

Kurunjang residents are calling on Melton council to reject an application to repurpose a shed into a place of worship in the area.

Petitioner Charlie Portelli said his family moved to Kurunjang two years ago in search of a peaceful residential area after a place of worship was built near his former home.

He said that place of woships resulted in increased traffic and noise and he is worried his family will have the same experience if Melton council approves the Kurunjang permit.

“It got too much, so we had to move,” he said.

“We’re not very happy. We paid a bit of money to get way from that to have something nice and quiet for a long time.

“The noise, pollution, and increased traffic this will bring can significantly disrupt the serene environment we have come to know and love.

“We all know and have seen that these places always start small and then grows into a big community.”

Mr Portelli said places of worship should built in “appropriate areas” to avoid causing “significant disturbances to residents”.

The petition had been signed by 234 people as of January 17, but has not been lodged with council.

The permit application said site is currently used for residential purposes.

Council city growth and development manager Blake De Alencar Angus said the proposal is to use the existing dwelling and shed as a place of worship for a maximum of 30 patrons with parking for two days a month on a weekend.

He said the application would be considered at a future council meeting.

The architect who submitted the permit application to council was contacted for comment.

Faith Macale